Monday, February 21, 2011

Wageningen, I'm back.

I don't belong here. But I'm so thankful to be here.

The moment I was out from the airplane on 15 February 2011 I smelled Netherlands. The smell was totally different from Malaysia. The cold air blended with the smell of coffee, the ground, the leaves, the building, they've got their own smell that quickly reminded me of my last 2 years here in the Netherlands. I felt excited and sad. I missed my family already especially because last time we (my husband (Nan), Adam, Fatima, and my mother) were here together.

Two years are short. I can close my eyes and cycle as I remember every turns. Things have not changed much. Only the post kantoor has closed, some other shops have moved to other places, some close, and the nearest shop from our home at Riemsdijkstraat is no longer there. We used to shop there almost every time. As far as I remember, the shop was actually the place Adam learned to buy biscuits, fruits, ice cream, chocolate and even books. :) Once, he took an apple and ate it straight away. And in front of the shop Adam was licked by a very huge dog. Uhh...memories....but I'm quite thankful the shop is not there anymore or else I will feel more sad remembering us together. It has been a week now and I still see Nan and Adam wherever I go because I was with them almost everywhere.

Fortunately my room is at Haarweg, a place we've never been together before. :) The room has two florescent lights that makes it very bright. Normally dutch will use a very dim orange light for their house but since the building used to be an office building so we do not have the orange light. So lucky. It is a huge room. I like it.

21 February 2011, 8.28 pm Dutch time, 3.28 am Malaysian time.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

leaving for ....

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,

I'll be leaving for The Netherlands next Monday! Feeling nervous to start my PhD, to travel alone again, but at the same time excited! be away from my beloved ones..hubby, adam, fatima, hannah, and sisters, a brothers, and....mak. :). Gonna miss them so much especially my baby, hannah (oh Allah, she's so adorable). But inshaAllah 6 months will not be that long. I will just have to focus on my study! Things will be just fine...ameen..

Okay, going to write more together with more pictures once I'm in the Netherlands. Tata!

-Huda, 8 February, 4.33 p.m