Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang,
Hari ini saya nak berkongsi dgn anda tentang permahaman saya akan maksud istiqamah dalam kehidupan seharian.
Perhatikan senario ini:
1. Masa sekolah dulu dan masa kita kat universiti, bila nak exam, kita bagai nak rak study. Tiba-tiba masa tengah study kita terfikir, menyesal tak study awal-awal. Tiba-tiba kita sedar otak kita ni bijak, boleh faham apa yang cikgu cuba sampaikan. Nasib baik, score exam, nasib tak baik, cukup makan. Tapi kita tahu dalam hati...sebenarnya aku boleh buat lebih baik kalau aku luangkan masa lebih untuk belajar. Bila habis exam, kita campak buku dan enjoy. Masuk semester baru, kita ulang perangai yang sama..dah nak exam, menyesal lagi...dan macam tulah sampai grad.
2. Ada masa-masanya kita bangun awal, buat kerja rumah atau kerja sekolah..kita rasa bagus (feeling good org Amerika cakap). Tapi adakalanya kita bangun lambat dan kita rasa rugi sangat. Semua program hari tu terbantut disebabkan pagi kita yang lewat.
Aha...cukuplah dua contoh terdekat dalam diri kita.
Ulasannya....andai kita istiqamah...setiap hari study...setiap hari perah otak....latih diri untuk fokus, kewajipan ini akan jadi rutin dan kita rasa tak terbeban dengan tugasan kita. Perhatikan maksud istiqamah adalah sama dengan rutin. Istiqamah akan memberikan kesan rutin dalam hidup kita.
Nampak mudah...tapi ingat. Selalunya kita berlawan dengan faktor lain yang nampak lagi best contohnya membaca facebook, membaca blog orang, berborak dengan kawan, tengok tv, jalan-jalan dan main dengan kawan, window shopping dengan suami.. Contoh yang dah saya senaraikan tadi ternyata lebih best daripada baca buku, baca jurnal, tulis paper, analisa data, kan???
Seperkara lagi, bila dah tido (terutama perempuan bila datang haid)...wah, susah betul nak bangun. Jadi bila dah rutin bangun solat subuh selama lebih kurang (28 (penuh) -7 (haid) =21 (hari bersih)) 21 hari, tiba-tiba bila haid bermula kita tido lebih sikit sebab nak balas dendam, sebenarnya kita dah rosakkan rutin 21 hari tu... :) sebab itulah kita susah nak konsisten dengan prestasi kita..
Dah, jangan panjang-panjang. Marilah kita cuba istiqamah..bangun pagi solat subuh, jangan tidor semula tapi buatlah aktiviti yang berfaedah, kemudian solat dhuha, ...sampai malam, cuba bangun solat malam. Amin...memang sangat ideal, tapi mesti ada cita-cita. Kalau gagal cuba lagi cuba lagi cuba lagi. Sambil tu doa banyak dengan Allah ya. Amin.
Terima kasih kerana membaca!
Think big? Act Big? Think small, act big? Think big, act nothing? No...don't be too complicated (as what my friends always tell me! :))
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Spring at Wageningen
Monday, May 23, 2011
Things I did only at Wageningen
Just want to share this with you..(especially my family). From top:
1. Cooked 'beef bourguignon' with two french friends and my friend, Huda (once)
2. Attended a theater performed by students (once)
3. Helped Kak Mai moved to her new place (once)
4. Chat with hubby (once a week)
5. Cycle (almost everyday)
6. Barbecue (once)
7. Sit and watch ducks and think of old memories with Adam and hubby fed the ducks together (always)
8. Go to kebab Elayda (twice a month) me...I never do this in Malaysia...except cycling or barbecueing once in a blue moon..hehe
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Bored to death
Actually I'm so bored. I really hate to admit this. Normally I always try to get rid of my negative feeling but now I'm not. I have to write my proposal but I'm so lazy like a garfield. Is garfield a really lazy cat? I don't know. But why that lazy cat was so popular long time ago? I think he had a very wierd voice, like an old man's voice and not so cute at all. Opps..maybe I am wrong? Emmm....anyway I like to see garfield, but not to hear his voice.
In three hours from now I'm going to watch a movie. Actually it is not a commercial movie and I don't have to pay any money to watch it. It is a documentary about transition in Liberia. I read from the synopsis, "an unusual story about the great courage of Muslim and Christian women in Liberia who, regardless of faith, decide to work together to end the country's bloody civil war and bring peace back to a country in ruins..............and finally the 14-year civil war that saw hundred of thousands killed, massacres of the civillian population and widespread rape, was brought to an end by them..." (my comment, of course not only them..there must be other people who took action too).
Watching movie is not a usual occasion for me. Why? yeah why....I know there are many creative people creat good movies. I am just not into movies though I find watching movies are interesting. Maybe because I was told that in cinemas, not all people behave nicely. There are some youngsters who watch movie and at the same time, make movie. You know what I mean. So, it is not really a good place to be. Oh, I might sound stupid. Nevermind, this is (just) an opinion and no one are forced to accept it. Oh, I also think that the ticket is expensive. Coz I am a stingy person. Hehe. Another one reason (if this can be called a reason), I heard during 13 May 1969, some people burnt one of the cinemas in Kuala Lumpur. (13 May 1969 was a tragic day in which Malays and Chinese fought each other and many were killed). So, I imagine myself in one cinema when suddenly the place was caught on fire. Again, I might sound stupid.
Emm...actually my story can be related to a saying "hendak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih" (when you want something, you'll do everything to get it, and when you don't want something, you invent thousand reasons to avoid it).
OOOOooooohhhh......end of story. Get back to work lazy garfield!!
But, never forget, the smallest thing you do, whether it is bad or not, it will be judge by the Almighty. So, think before you do anything! :)
**Picture shown is not related to the story.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Arranging the biggest jigsaw puzzle!
I have just finished my 10 000 pieces of jigsaw puzzle. The final picture is really amazing. It is somewhat better because I could elaborate the picture into very great detail. It is even the best because I could give complete reason of every single thing that is happening in the picture, for example why the picture was taken at that time, why the sky was blue, why the trees were green, and what most important, WHY DID I PICK THAT SPECIFIC PUZZLE?
Lets begin with end in mind.
That was I just did. I imagined that I have completed my future four years life. But in fact I've just started. And I was a bit tired already (actually too tired, but I don't want to admit that..hehe..). What to happen in the next four years?
1. The 10th year of our marriage
2. Adam is 9 years old = a standard three bright student
3. Nur Fatima is 7 years old = a standard one highly motivated student
4. Hannah is 5 years old = a little girl with an endless curiosity
5. I finish my PhD
6. My husband and I as a great achiever and higher degree closer to Allah
--->> now back to WORK! :)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Busy busy
Dear friends,
Besides reading many and many scientific articles everyday, I also spend some time to read novels (which I can hardly do it when I am in Malaysia). *smile* Why? It is because I'm too busy.
Too busy. Many people said that "too busy" is really a bad excuse. So, let's use different term of too busy, which is, "I'm fully occupied with other responsibilites which are much more important". Now, any objection? *smile* Let me continue the story of my responsibilities.
Back in my country (Malaysia) (oh, now I'm at Wageningen, The Netherlands), I am a wife, a mother of three, a daughter, a staff at University Putra Malaysia, and a part of community which I live. I normally out of home from 9:00 to 18:00 (driving, at office doing my work, breakfast, lunch, etc.). From 18:00 to 9:00 (in the next morning) I am at home, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and most important, taking (a good) care of my children and be nice to my husband. *smile*. I do all the house chores alone and sometimes with the help of my husband when he is not too tired.
Poor children since me and my husband are less efficient when we are at home. We are already tired after office hour and with very minimum energy, we have to give attention to our children. It is really challenging for me. You know what I mean, having a 5 year, 3 year and 8 month baby is not easy...remember.
But I'm happy and really thankful. I do not have to describe further why am I happy and thankful. I believe as I am getting older, I develop the skills to manage my life for example to control my feeling, to communicate efficiently and be more cheerful and helpful.
Oh, before I end, just another story of a busy parent. My husband received a call from our eldest son's (Adam) Q-dees school headmistress this morning. She told my husband that tomorrow is their school sports day. Hem, my husband didn't alert of the big day because he has been too busy with his office work. And unfortunately my husband has to go to Kota Kinabalu tomorrow for National Suzuki Dealer Conference. No one from our close relatives are available tomorrow to take Adam to his sports day. Poor little boy. Adam has to miss his sports day which I guess one of the biggest events for him this year. I am a bit sad... However, that is life! I believe Adam will have another probably bigger sports event in coming years. Yes, let's hope so. :)
Bye for now!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Imagine that you were walking on a street with a map in your hand. Suddenly you arrived at a junction and you didn't know which direction to go. You looked at the map but failed to locate your position. Now you were confirmed that you had lost! You looked around and hoped someone would appear. You looked up to the sky hoping for a sign. Unfortunately nothing happened. The wheather was getting hotter that you know you had to find a shelther. You went under a tree, took out your mineral water and wiped your forehead. Uhhh......that was the only sound that could be uttered from your mouth. What should you do? You took a deep breath and thought. You could never stay there because that place was not belong to you. You sort of knowing your final destination but now you were lost. Then you knew for sure that you had to continue your journey no matter where it would lead to. Because the only hope for you was you. In you, you must believe and Allah you surrendered to..
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