Thursday, July 6, 2017

Finally one of my works got published

After about 6 years, I finally published one article in an open access journal. Many hours of laboratory work including a few nights staying up in a cold, scary lab, hours of writing (at home, at libraries (UPM and Ipoh), in a hotel room in Penang, in Wageningen (my office and rental rooms)), after many reviews and critics by my supervisors, and after it was rejected twice by other journals, finally the paper got published.

The strange thing is, I am more worried than happy. Let me tell you why. For me, having a publication is a kind of contribution I give to the society. The publication must be scientifically acceptable, though it may not be something perfect. Therefore, it is perfectly valid for discussion. Hopefully some people will find it beneficial.

Anyways, may Allah put barakah in it. I know very little. The knowledge which was written in the publication is only 0.000000000000000001% from the knowledge that ever existed. However insignificance or significance it may be, no one knows. I should never underestimate it. And what is important, be THANKFUL. Smile!

N., Mohamed Ramli, M.C.J. Verdegem, F.M. Yusoff, M.K. Zulkifely, J.A.J. Verreth  (2017). Removal of ammonium and nitrate in recirculating aquaculture systems by the epiphyte Stigeoclonium nanum immobilized in alginate beads. Aquacult Environ Interact, Vol 9, 213-222.

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