Tuesday, August 23, 2011

when mama's already home

I did not have much problem to win back my youngest daughter, Hannah after six months I was away from her. Most probably because she stayed with my mother, my two sisters and my two nieces age 21 and 17. So Hannah used to have many women around her. Same went to Adam and Fatima, obviously because they always recognize me as their mother. I was so thankful and never can describe the feeling when finally we met again.

Adam and Fatima always quarrel with each other about who wants to sleep next to me. In fact, this problem happen since I had Hannah almost one year ago and now it happen again almost every night. It is a problem to decide who will sleep next to me because Hannah also wants to be on my one side (of course Hannah has win the competition). I will always try my best to console Adam since he's the eldest brother and can understand my explanation better than Fatima. The easiest way to discuss with Adam is by telling him that I will change my position and sleep next to him when the two girls are already slept. Unfortunately I did not do as promised a couple of times and had disappointed Adam. Just last night when I broke the promise again, when he saw me this morning, the first question he asked was why didn't I sleep next to him. Emm...after today I know I must not break the promise again.

Why do I take this thing so seriously since I know to some of you might think that this problem is very simple. The answer is, whenever I have argument with my babies, I will never let them sleep with bad feeling. I believe that it is not healthy for kids to sleep with negative emotions. I will try my best to finish any argument and tell them that they are good children and I love them so much.

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