Sunday, April 24, 2011

Journey with best friend

He is my best friend.
I quarrel with him a lot.
But we share the same mission and vision.
Sometimes we are in the same boat, but we paddle to different direction,
though we know we want to go to the same place.
I am always the one who make things more complicated.
On contrary, he is always the one who make things easy and sometimes too easy.
But always we try to balance.
Sure, it is not easy and we quarrel again and again.
At the end of the day, we say "I love you" and we go to sleep.
In our sleep we never forget to dream.
Sometimes we have fantastic dreams, that give us hopes.
Sometimes we have nightmares, that send us reminders.
No matter what, we enjoy our life together.
We bravely face all the obstacles together.
and we pray the HE will show us the right way, and shower us with HIS blessing and mercy.

Your best friend.

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