Friday, May 6, 2011

Busy busy

Dear friends,

Besides reading many and many scientific articles everyday, I also spend some time to read novels (which I can hardly do it when I am in Malaysia). *smile* Why? It is because I'm too busy.

Too busy. Many people said that "too busy" is really a bad excuse. So, let's use different term of too busy, which is, "I'm fully occupied with other responsibilites which are much more important". Now, any objection? *smile* Let me continue the story of my responsibilities.

Back in my country (Malaysia) (oh, now I'm at Wageningen, The Netherlands), I am a wife, a mother of three, a daughter, a staff at University Putra Malaysia, and a part of community which I live. I normally out of home from 9:00 to 18:00 (driving, at office doing my work, breakfast, lunch, etc.). From 18:00 to 9:00 (in the next morning) I am at home, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and most important, taking (a good) care of my children and be nice to my husband. *smile*. I do all the house chores alone and sometimes with the help of my husband when he is not too tired.

Poor children since me and my husband are less efficient when we are at home. We are already tired after office hour and with very minimum energy, we have to give attention to our children. It is really challenging for me. You know what I mean, having a 5 year, 3 year and 8 month baby is not easy...remember.

But I'm happy and really thankful. I do not have to describe further why am I happy and thankful. I believe as I am getting older, I develop the skills to manage my life for example to control my feeling, to communicate efficiently and be more cheerful and helpful.

Oh, before I end, just another story of a busy parent. My husband received a call from our eldest son's (Adam) Q-dees school headmistress this morning. She told my husband that tomorrow is their school sports day. Hem, my husband didn't alert of the big day because he has been too busy with his office work. And unfortunately my husband has to go to Kota Kinabalu tomorrow for National Suzuki Dealer Conference. No one from our close relatives are available tomorrow to take Adam to his sports day. Poor little boy. Adam has to miss his sports day which I guess one of the biggest events for him this year. I am a bit sad... However, that is life! I believe Adam will have another probably bigger sports event in coming years. Yes, let's hope so. :)

Bye for now!

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