Monday, July 18, 2011

Seek first to understand

In life, I have never been tought or trained to understand people. As I grew up, I kept asking why didn't people understand me?? On the other hand, as I became older, most people expected me to understand them. Conflicts happened between me and my family, my friends, my husband and my little children because sometimes we forgot to understand each other.

Lesson to be learnt, seek first to understand rather than being understood (as what we always find in motivational books). The thing is, it would never be easy. Most of the time, we would have to give up our interest in order to agree with other's opinions. It would be even more difficult if we think that our opinion is the most correct one and can affect us in a negative way if we do not follow our opinion. Hem...

Then come another phrase, "put yourself in one's shoes". Yes, I do not have to argue with this topic anymore. Somemore, the concept of accepting other's interest is in accordance with Islamic teachings, as long as the interest does not give any negative effects to anyone.

So, I must train myself harder to understand people. AND, train my children as well. Understanding people is a skill that needs to be cultivated in our family, and community! May Allah reward us! Amin.

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